Fireplace Screen

June challenge 20/6 is an ode to an antique fireplace screen that I was recently reminded of by my grandfather.

somewhere in a corner of a small library warm

is a panel made of glass squares, faded emerald and red.

that panel has seen sleepless nights, when I wished I was dead,

and likewise has seen Christmases safe inside from a storm.

that panel has seen poems, when I wrote to my dear girl.

that panel has seen comfort from my family, from work.

that panel has seen lazy days and thoughts out loud I’d shirk.

how many chats I wonder in its presence have unfurled…

that panel has a past life filled with memories for days.

an album of old photographs could not contain them all.

they say they’d pay good money to be a fly upon the wall,

but I would rather be a little square of green I’d say.

snail popping

June challenge, only a week late innit. I have a compulsion to pluck snails off the walls I see them on. They deserved a shout out.

Snail Popping 19/6/21

little spirals on the wall,

knock ’em down and watch ’em fall.

slimy boys and slowy boys,

underfoot be perfect poised.

count ’em up and throw ’em far

fences, hedges, where they are.

dusk and dawn and rain and shine,

time don’t matter, sure it’s fine.

things crawl so long to be there,

knock ’em down ’cause I don’t care.


June challenge 17/6/21. At the time of writing, we were in waxing crescent, but tonight we’re in waxing gibbous.


bright and smiling, shining beams

like a pearl up in the sky

how close yet far away you seem.

watching over as I dream

watching as awake I lie

bright and smiling, shining beams.

fold into phases like they’re seams

curious to my naked eye

how close yet far away you seem.

tenderly you guard my dreams

glad they be, or if I cry

bright and smiling, shining beams.

what comfort from your light I glean

pleasant light that never dies

how close yet far away you seem.

up there with the stars you team

up there in the diamond sky

bright and smiling, shining beams

how close yet far away you seem.

my dearest

June challenge 16/6/21. Because everyone knows that the proper way to make a brew is to put the milk in first…

“It will never work between us now;

you aren’t the person that I thought you were.

There are many things that I can bear,

but knowing this, it simply is too much.”

“Really now, you’re being quite unfair.

It’s who I am, and that I cannot change.

I know that it might make things difficult,

but please, my dearest, give me one more chance!”

“What chance is that, a chance at happiness?

We’re incompatible you know, my dear.

We’re opposites who just do not attract.

I’m sorry, but I don’t know what to do.”

“My dearest, I believe I have the fix:

let’s just not watch each other brew our tea!”


I’ve been late with my writing, but here is June challenge 15/6 /21. Earlier this year, something I struggled with was given a name: Other Specified Dissociative Discorder. I decided that my headmates deserved a tribute poem. Toivo liked this format, the villanelle, so I did it for him.

They don’t know you, but you’re real

I wake up and all of you are there

Pity I never know what I feel

You’re here because I couldn’t heal

You’re here because life isn’t fair

They don’t know you, but you’re real

I’d say for now it’s not ideal

All the real things I don’t share

Pity I never know what I feel

All our thoughts go around like a ferris wheel

Time is lost without a care

They don’t know you, but you’re real

You do what I can’t, that’s our deal

For there’s so much I can’t bear

Pity I never know what I feel

Those memories are like a trap of steel

Things to which I’m unaware

They don’t know you, but you’re real

Pity I never know what I feel

I Got 99 Problems and These are Absolutely All of Them

Due to striking apathy, I had a hell of a time coming up with things that mildly piss me off for unlucky day 13 of the June challenge. I give thanks for my sister, who came up with several dishonourable mentions in this terrible list. What ruined your day today?

I Got 99 Problems and These are Absolutely All of Them 13/6/21

I just can’t fuck with gate-keepers, or being put on hold.

I don’t like the bureaucracy of doing what I’m told.

Hangnails can go do one, and Karens make me sigh.

Splinters and Jehovah’s Witnesses both make me cry.

I hate when I am out of milk when trying to make tea.

Deadlines make me dead inside, and bad erasers test me.

And when the bus is late, there is little more depressing.

Train announcements you can’t understand while precious time is pressing.

Surpassing a slow walker on the pavement boils my blood.

Breaking brand new headphones drags my good mood through the mud.

There’s little more disheartening than clothes tags sticking out.

Forgetting or resetting passwords makes me want to shout.

I can’t stand chumps who litter or who walk on fresh mopped floors.

I don’t like wearing glasses in the rain or slamming doors.

Unscheduled computer restarts test my will to live.

Sales tax is one fuck that I’m not prepared to give.

Fitted sheets that slip right off the bed make me so mad.

Umbrellas turning inside out are sure to make me sad.

Butter that’s too cold to spread, annoying feminists,

and missing puzzle pieces sure as hell will get me pissed.

Opening a bag of crisps to find it’s mostly air.

Zippers getting stuck remind me that life isn’t fair.

Long receipts and double parking, papercuts oh my.

Plugs that don’t fit outlets properly, oh dear God why?

Ryanair gets on my nerves, bad autocorrects slay me.

Spam mail does my head in, as does unfairly slow grading.

You know what makes a bad day worse? Loosing your bus pass.

And people who cut into queues can all go kiss my ass.

You ever had the pain that is an eyelash in your eye?

TSA and rude cyclists, get out of here, goodbye!

People who like anime a little bit too much.

Pushy vegans, anti-vaxxers, flat-earthers and such.

Spilling something on some clothes that’ve only just been cleaned,

I’m really not a fan of running out of toiletries.

I die when pencil lead breaks, when I’m not able to sneeze.

When necklaces get tangled, when I fall hard on my knees.

Life comes to a halt when packaging is oversized.

Losing just one earring is a peril I surmise.

Forgetting something in the microwave sucks major dick.

Screaming toddlers, YouTube ads, and snoring, take your pick.

Notebook paper that gets stuck and won’t tear evenly.

rude people who interrupt most inconceivably.

Peeple with bad speling, sunburn, insect bites,

Waiting for a stupid avocado to be ripe.

Missing an ingredient while baking is a no.

Writer’s block, an itchy blanket, stubbing your pinky toe.

Slow WIFI, a stuffy nose, hangovers and brain freeze.

Stores that won’t accept card even if you beg them, please.

Traffic and loud tourists make my life a living hell.

Sitting on wet surfaces unplanned makes me unwell.

Overly religious dolts at otherwise fun fêtes.

Netflix removing a show you’re watching, that’s the worst it gets.

The Microsoft Word editor makes editing a chore.

People who insist on calling you a name that isn’t yours.

Insufferable family members, when the volume is too low.

Someone takes your food without asking, as if you wouldn’t know.

Using the same knife and cross-contaminating jars.

Drinks that are too hot or cold to drink when at the bar.

Hair bobbles that are too tight with three loops, yet with two

won’t hold your hair in place. I mean, what are you meant to do?!

Popcorn kernels in your teeth, clumpy spices, hail!

But nothing’s ever worse than when your autosave just fails.

Sharing bathrooms, teenagers who have to act all ‘alt’.

People who repeat jokes slightly louder, that’s a fault.

Water spraying all around when washing up a spoon.

Tap that is too hot or cold, shit drives me to the moon.

Internet Explorer, minions, boomer memes unclever.

The crushing weight of knowing that you have to work forever.

spider plants

June challenge 12/6/21 for a plant I wish I had (and soon will, with luck!)

little happy greeny ting

stripes run down your leaves

i give you tiny earring studs

since you don’t have any flowers

you’re happy in your pot

in your little home i bought

sit in the sun for hours

maybe sprout some baby buds

you’re low-maintenance, i perceives

always blooming like it’s spring

Fountain in the Rain

For the eleventh day of the June challenge, I attempted a calming poetic interpretation of William Gillock’s lovely piano work “Fountain in the Rain”. My sister used to play this when I was young, and the imagery I inspire from the melody has always given me nostalgic feelings.

A lovely recording:

Fountain in the Rain 11/6/21

a semblance of water purling at the base of marble curves

lightly, softly, as if droplets be kisses and the pavement its delicate lover

and then the skies perk and open further

perhaps a glint of warmth would accompany the feeling,

for though the water is gelid, its attitude is becoming

somewhere little daffodils huddle down like infants in their cribs,

the gentle hum of the atmosphere growing brighter as their eyes become sleepy,

drinking their fill from the skies and smiling as they do.

but for now we leave that pleasant flowery dream

the downpour jets its way into a polished basin

achieving such velocity that each drop connects with a glint of copper at the bottom,

for be it not a wishing well,

but how a passer-by does love to be rid of his coins in some opportune place.

a gentle, faraway bellow echoes in the sky,

once, twice, thrice

as if the sky is laughing at its own fickleness

the clouds are tired now, and gentleness returns

for a moment, all is still and no droplets can be seen in the air

but the gentle pool still dances somewhat

an onlooker takes note of the sky, growing pink in the summer dusk

and then walks, leaving that fountain to its own devices

so no one sees that marble smile to itself as the rain slowly stops